Wednesday, December 10, 2014

"The Kill Order" by James Dashner

Book Title: The Kill Order

Author: James Dashner

Genre: YA, Science Fiction, Dystopian

My Rating: 5 out of 5

What's it about? The story follows a boy named Mark and his best friend/crush Trina who were riding along in a subway-ish train when the world basically came to an end. They team up with a small group of strangers featuring two ex-soldiers, Alec and Lana, and take on the aftermath of the deadly sun flares. Flash forward to a few years later- this group is living peacefully in rural North Carolina when a Berg flies overhead shooting darts filled with a fatal virus at everyone in their village. The team decides to find out where the people in the Berg come from and why they've decided to make life EVEN WORSE for people like Mark and his friends. 

What type of reader is it for? Someone who has read (at least) The Maze Runner. I suggest reading the whole series before you read this one. And I also suggest reading the series BEFORE you read The Kill Order because I appreciated the back-story much more after knowing so much about the Maze, WICKED, Thomas, and Teresa.

Dashner writes his chapters in this series in really small chunks. So if you're someone who doesn't have a ton of time to sit down and read, it'd be a great book... Some chapters in The Kill Order can take you less than 5 minutes to read.

Should you read it? Yes, but after the other books in this series! I loved The Maze Runner series and this was just the icing on the cake for me. I love nothing more than reading up on the back-story of characters/plot lines. Prequels for dystopian texts are awesome; it gives the reader insight to how the world came to be.

I knew I'd rate this book highly before I end picked it up because I like Dashner's writing style. Not only is each chapter short enough to take in in a few minutes, each chapter has a small cliff hanger that holds your interest in the best way possible. I was hooked all the way to the end and could've easily read it in one sitting (had I had the time).

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